Sunday, April 1, 2012

Any Thing That Can Go Wrong...

Like I said my pictures did not hit my phone until around 6 am Saturday. I got on the computer to make a quick slideshow comparison of the days worked and the amount of work accomplished. Low and behold my video editing software gives me only one extension to save the film in (wlmp), which does not seem to be read by most services. I gave up on that because my help arrived between 10 am and 11 am so we went straight into yard clean up mode. I couldn't find my work gloves so I went at it bare handed. The supervisor started getting cranky again due to teething so every five minutes I was trying to console him. After about an hour and a half it started raining so indoors we headed. I was not about to sit around unmotivated so I started cleaning up inside. Only thing is I moved things around that never got put back. All this in a days work had me depressed and exhausted. I just could not bring myself to the computer to post last night so I figured I would sleep on it and hopefully feel better in the morning. Well needles to say I am feeling better. It would just be nice if I had a mattress to sleep on that did not leave more sore most mornings. Well I am headed to get myself a nice large Racetrac cappuccino and see what tools I can find at the local flea market. Til later happy reading and ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Looking Good!!

    Greetings from Sunny Spot Gardens in Tampa, FL!


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