This is nothing new. This is how our ancestors lived. Only difference is we now have the technology to create our own power yet we insist on buying into the grid living. We have lost our way and the knowledge we had. We have become dumber due to the things we have allowed to happen. Synthetic drugs for instance do more harm to our body then the healing the are said to do. They push this stuff on commercial television ads. "BUT WAIT!" Wait until they get to the side effects. The way to combat the body damage these drugs do to us is to stop taking them. "These drugs I am on control my homicidal urges," you may say. Why would you have these urges to begin with if the food you eat did not have chemicals in them that damaged parts of you that gave you these urges. We are damaged and dying from birth these days. There is more electricity and harmful radiation among other things in the air these days the our bodies soak up that hurt us then there was before electricity started being installed in every home. We need to take a stand in more ways then one to take back our lives. The media these days does not report real unbiased news so most of us have no idea what is going on. Look around you and read or listen to someone else's opinion. Verify it for yourself via other sources and make your own conclusion. We are headed for disaster and the only way we can heal ourselves is by gardening and eating what we plant. It is great fun and brings you back in touch with mother nature, which in turn helps you discover who you really are. I for one feel better for working in and with nature.

Two of my orange trees.
That is it for today.Till later happy reading and ciao.
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